The film is set in Delft, Holland in 1665 and focuses on the character of Griet, a young girl who is forced to take a job as a servant in the household of the famous painter Johannes Vermeer to help support her family. Despite the initial hostility of Vermeer's jealous wife, Catharina, Griet soon becomes an invaluable member of the household, assisting Vermeer in his work and learning about art herself.

As Griet's relationship with Vermeer deepens, she becomes the model for his masterpiece "Girl With A Pearl Earring", and their intense and secretive closeness causes tension within the family. Vermeer's wealthy patron, Van Ruijven, also becomes infatuated with Griet, leading to further complications and a clash of loyalty.

The film is a visual tour-de-force, with each frame carefully composed to echo Vermeer's style and aesthetic. Scarlett Johansson delivers a poignant and restrained performance as Griet, capturing the character's emotional turmoil and growing artistic ambition.

Girl with a Pearl Earring is a quiet, understated film that captures the beauty and mystery of Vermeer's art, as well as the social and psychological dynamics of 17th century Dutch society. It is a nuanced and moving portrait of the relationship between an artist and his muse, and a timeless exploration of the power of art to transform lives.

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