Girl Next

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The movie Girl Next follows the story of a young woman named Leah who is abducted and taken to a remote facility where she is subjected to a brutal mind control program. The program is designed to transform her into a "Sofia" doll, a highly prized commodity in the human trafficking industry.

Through a series of traumatic experiences and the use of drugs, Leah's captors begin to strip away her personality, memories, and free will. She soon becomes one of many young women trapped in this waking nightmare, fighting to hold on to her sense of self and find a way to escape.

As Leah struggles to resist the mind control techniques used by her captors, she discovers that there are others within the facility who are also fighting to break free. Together, they devise a plan to escape before they become the next "Sofia" dolls sold to the highest bidder.

Throughout the film, viewers are confronted with the harsh realities of human trafficking and the devastating impact it has on its victims. The story is a gripping and emotional journey that shines a light on an issue that is all too often ignored.

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