Gintama: The Movie, also known as Gintama: Shinyaku Benizakura-hen, is a 2010 animated comedy/action film based on the popular manga and anime series, Gintama. The film was produced by Sunrise, directed by Yoichi Fujita, and written by Akatsuki Yamatoya.

The story begins with the arrival of a powerful alien race, known as the Amanto, who take over feudal Japan. In this new era, samurais are forbidden from carrying swords and are left to roam the streets as outcasts. Gintoki Sakata, the protagonist of the story, is a former samurai who now runs a business called Odd Jobs Gin, which takes on any job no matter how bizarre or dangerous it may be.

One day, Gintoki and his friends, Shinpachi and Kagura, are hired to investigate a string of murders that have been committed with a weapon made of a precious metal known as Benizakura. As they dig deeper into the case, they discover that there is a sinister plot brewing behind the scenes and Gintoki's past as a samurai is about to catch up with him.

The film features all the popular characters from the anime series and introduces several new ones as well. The animation is top-notch and the action scenes are intense and well-choreographed. The humor, which is a trademark of the series, is also present throughout the film.

Overall, Gintama: The Movie is an entertaining and action-packed adventure that fans of the series and newcomers alike will enjoy. It is a must-see for anyone who loves Japanese animation and is looking for a good laugh and some epic battles.

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