Gintama 2: Rules Are Made To Be Broken is a 2018 Japanese action-comedy film directed by Yuichi Fukuda. It is a continuation of the popular anime and manga series Gintama. The film follows the Yorozuya gang, a group of eccentric characters including Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura, as they return to protect Shogun Tokugawa Shige Shige from an assassination attempt.

The film takes place in an alternate version of Japan during the Edo period. The government is controlled by the Bakufu, a group of elite samurai who enforce strict laws and regulations. However, not all is well in Japan as an unknown force threatens to overthrow the government and plunge the country into chaos.

The Shinsengumi police force, which is tasked with protecting the Shogun, finds itself in a crisis as many of its members are either injured or missing. With no other options, the Shogun turns to Gintoki and his team for help. Together, they must uncover the truth behind the assassination plot and stop the mastermind behind it.

The film features nonstop action, hilarious humor, and heartwarming moments as the characters work together to protect their beloved country. It also introduces new characters and features iconic moments from the original manga and anime, making it a must-watch for any Gintama fan.

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