Gigantic follows the story of Brian (played by Paul Dano), a young man working at his father's mattress store in New York City. He decides to adopt a baby from China, but as he goes through the various bureaucratic hoops and hurdles, he becomes increasingly distracted by his growing relationship with Harriet (played by Zooey Deschanel), a quirky and wealthy woman he meets in the store.

Despite their initial differences, Brian and Harriet soon find themselves drawn to each other, and their relationship blossoms. But as they navigate their feelings and figure out how they fit into each other's lives, a hitman (John Goodman) is on their trail. Unbeknownst to them, Brian's adoption plans have put him in the crosshairs of an organization with sinister motives, and the hitman's job is to take him out.

As Brian and Harriet get closer, the danger escalates, and they find themselves in increasingly precarious situations. As the hitman closes in, they must navigate the dangerous balance between love and survival, ultimately finding strength in each other as they face the ultimate threat.

Gigantic is a quirky, offbeat romantic comedy that mixes humor, heart, and some unexpected thrills. With standout performances from Dano, Deschanel, and Goodman, it's a charming and entertaining film that explores the delicate balance between romance and danger, and the power of human connection to overcome even the most daunting obstacles.

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