Ghoulies II is a horror-comedy film directed by Albert Band and serves as a sequel to the 1985 film Ghoulies. The movie picks up a short time after the events of the first film, where a group of miniature demons called Ghoulies terrorize a young man named Jonathan Graves and his friends, ultimately leading to their defeat.

In Ghoulies II, the mischievous Ghoulies manage to stow away on a traveling carnival ride and end up at a struggling amusement park called Satan's Den. The owners of the park, Larry and Uncle Ned, are struggling to keep the park afloat and are in desperate need of a new attraction to draw in crowds.

When the Ghoulies arrive, Larry sees an opportunity to showcase them as a new attraction, claiming they are animatronic monsters that he created. The creatures are initially harmless and entertain the park patrons, but when the fair's manager attempts to destroy them, the Ghoulies become enraged and go on a rampage through the fairgrounds.

As the night progresses, the Ghoulies wreak havoc on the fair, attacking attendees, and causing general chaos and destruction. Meanwhile, Jonathan Graves learns of the Ghoulies' presence and arrives at the fair to destroy them once and for all.

The climax of Ghoulies II features an explosive showdown between Jonathan and the Ghoulies, resulting in the destruction of the amusement park and the defeat of the evil demons.

Overall, Ghoulies II is a campy horror-comedy film that features cheesy special effects, over-the-top performances, and a fun, carnival-inspired setting.

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