The movie follows the journey of Bobby DeLaughter, played by Alec Baldwin, as he takes on the case of Medgar Evers' assassination, determined to finally bring justice for the Evers family. Myrlie Evers, portrayed by Whoopi Goldberg, is initially hesitant to trust Bobby, but eventually forms a strong bond with him as they work together to convict Beckwith.

As the trial progresses, old wounds are reopened and racial tensions flare up in Mississippi, reflecting the ongoing struggle for civil rights in the South. Witnesses come forward with new evidence, and Bobby faces obstacles and threats as he fights for justice against a backdrop of prejudice and resistance.

The film also delves into the personal lives of the characters, showing how the case impacts them on a deep emotional level. Bobby's dedication to the case strains his relationship with his family, while Myrlie wrestles with her grief and the burden of seeking justice for her late husband.

In the climax of the film, Beckwith is finally convicted for the murder of Medgar Evers, bringing closure to the Evers family and marking a significant victory for the civil rights movement. Ghosts of Mississippi is a powerful and moving portrayal of a pivotal moment in American history, highlighting the courage and determination of those who fought for justice and equality.

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