Ghosted is a romantic action-comedy film directed by Monika Mitchell. The movie follows the story of Cole, a kind and hardworking man who has a chance encounter with Sadie, a mysterious woman who keeps to herself. Cole is immediately smitten by Sadie's beauty, intelligence and wit, and the two start dating.

However, their relationship takes a turn when Cole discovers that Sadie is actually a covert agent working for an international spy agency. Despite this revelation, Cole decides to join Sadie on a dangerous mission to prevent a terrorist attack.

As the two navigate their way through infiltrating a Russian consulate and trying to uncover a complex conspiracy, they start to grow closer to each other. However, they must also confront the truth of their incompatible lifestyles and hidden secrets that threaten to tear them apart.

The film is filled with thrilling action sequences and comedic moments, balancing the drama and romance of the plot. The chemistry between the lead actors, played by Josh Whitehouse and Lydia Wilson, adds to the charm of the movie. Overall, Ghosted is a fun and entertaining adventure that will leave the audience on the edge of their seats.

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