Ghostbox Cowboy is a 2018 dark comedy film directed by John Maringouin. The film follows Jimmy Van Horn, a Texas entrepreneur who travels to China with his latest invention, the "Ghostbox," a device that can control electronics without the need for wires or Wi-Fi. Believing that he can make a fortune by selling it to Chinese manufacturers, Jimmy arrives in Shenzhen, a city known for its bustling tech industry.

However, he soon realizes that the Chinese market is not as welcoming as he expected. Struggling to make sales and connect with potential partners, he resorts to shady business practices and alliances with questionable characters. As he tries to navigate the complex web of Chinese bureaucracy and corruption, he also faces cultural barriers and language difficulties that hinder his chances of success.

As Jimmy's situation deteriorates, he becomes increasingly paranoid and reckless, putting himself and others in danger. The film explores themes such as greed, ambition, and cultural clashes, offering a satirical and somewhat bleak view of the intersection between American entrepreneurship and Chinese business culture.

Ghostbox Cowboy features mostly non-professional actors, with David Zellner playing Jimmy Van Horn. The film received mixed reviews upon its release but was praised for its unflinching depiction of the challenges faced by foreign entrepreneurs in China. Overall, it is a film that offers a unique perspective on the global economy and the difficulties of cross-cultural communication.

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