Get Low is a 2009 drama film that tells the story of Felix Bush, a reclusive hermit who's been living in self-imposed isolation in rural Tennessee since the 1930s. Desperately seeking redemption for a past mistake that haunts him, Bush decides to stage his own funeral while he is still alive, inviting the entire town to attend. The town, curious about the mystery surrounding Bush's past, accepts the invitation.

The film stars Robert Duvall as Felix Bush, Sissy Spacek as his former love interest, and Bill Murray as the local funeral director who helps Bush plan his own funeral. Throughout the movie, we see flashbacks of Bush's life and learn about the event that led him to become a hermit in the first place.

As the day of the funeral approaches, the townspeople begin to uncover the truth about Bush's past, revealing a shocking secret that alters their perception of the hermit and leads to an unexpected conclusion.

Get Low is a beautiful and poignant movie that explores themes of redemption, judgment, forgiveness, and the power of storytelling. The excellent performances by the entire cast, the hauntingly beautiful soundtrack, and the breathtaking cinematography make this movie a must-see. It was directed by Aaron Schneider and written by Chris Provenzano and C. Gaby Mitchell.

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