Get a Horse! is a short animated film that was released in 2013. The film features classic Disney characters, including Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Horace Horsecollar, Clarabelle Cow, and Peg-Leg Pete.

The film begins with Mickey and his friends on a wagon ride, singing and playing instruments. Suddenly, Peg-Leg Pete appears in his horse-drawn car and tries to run them off the road. Mickey and his friends manage to evade him, but Pete continues to pursue them, even resorting to throwing pie bombs at them.

As the chase continues, the film breaks the fourth wall and transitions from a 2D black-and-white cartoon to a 3D color film. Mickey and his friends use this transition to their advantage by throwing objects through the screen and into Pete's face.

In the end, Mickey and his friends successfully outsmart and defeat Peg-Leg Pete, with Horace Horsecollar delivering the final blow by crushing Pete with a piano.

Get a Horse! is a nostalgic tribute to classic Disney cartoons, featuring catchy musical numbers and slapstick humor. It received widespread critical acclaim and received an Academy Award nomination for Best Animated Short Film.

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