Geographies of Solitude

Documentary  Canada 

Geographies of Solitude is a documentary film that explores the unique landscapes and wildlife of Sable Island, a remote strip of sand located off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. The film follows the life of Zoe Lucas, a naturalist and environmentalist who has lived on the island for over 40 years.

Through stunning footage of the island's landscapes, the film highlights the harsh and unpredictable nature of life on Sable Island, where fierce storms and shifting sands constantly reshape the environment. Despite these challenges, Lucas has dedicated her life to studying and protecting the island's vulnerable animal species, including the world-famous Sable Island horses.

The film also delves into the personal experiences and inner worlds of the island's inhabitants, exploring the solitude and isolation of life on Sable Island. Through interviews and reflective moments, Geographies of Solitude offers a poignant meditation on the human experience of being alone in the vastness of nature.

Overall, Geographies of Solitude is a mesmerizing and thought-provoking exploration of one of Canada's most unique and awe-inspiring landscapes, as well as an intimate portrait of a remarkable woman who has dedicated her life to its preservation.

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