Game of Deceit is a thriller movie that follows Maya (played by Erica Durance) as she becomes a victim of domestic abuse at the hands of her police officer husband, Scott (played by David Palffy). Maya tries to escape the abusive relationship, but fear of Scott and concern for her daughter's safety make it difficult.

Maya soon realizes that she needs evidence to stop Scott and begins to gather ironclad evidence with the help of her friend, Lydia (played by Eva Bourne), and her brother, Kyle (played by Eric Keenleyside), who is a lawyer. But Scott is clever and manipulative, and he's able to stay one step ahead of Maya and her allies.

As Maya continues to fight for justice and safety, she uncovers a shocking web of corruption that leads all the way up to high-ranking members of the police force, putting her and her loved ones in even greater danger.

The movie is a powerful exploration of domestic abuse and the lengths that victims must go to in order to escape their abusers. It also shows the importance of having a support system that believes and helps the victim in their fight for justice.

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