Funan is a French animated movie directed by Denis Do. The movie is based on a true story derived from the director's own family's experience. Funan tells the tale of Chou, a young mother who is separated from her 4-year-old son during the fall of Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia, under the Khmer Rouge regime. Chou's husband, Khuon, is sent away by the party, and she is left alone with their son, who soon gets separated from her.

The film's main focus is Chou's arduous journey to find her son in a society where everything is controlled and monitored. The movie portrays a realistic and unfiltered approach to the horrors and atrocities faced by the Cambodian people during the reign of the Khmer Rouge, such as forced labor camps, starvation, and genocide.

Throughout the movie, Chou faces many challenges and struggles. From witnessing the inhumane treatment of her fellow citizens to facing her own grief and trauma, the story unfolds with Chou never losing hope for a reunion with her son. The audience sees her courage, determination, and perseverance despite the odds stacked against her.

The animation in Funan is beautifully crafted, with hand-drawn characters and backgrounds that deliver a sense of the pain and anguish felt by the people of Cambodia. The voice acting in the movie also provides a touching performance from the cast, adding more depth and emotion to the story as they bring their characters to life.

Funan is an emotional and thought-provoking movie that highlights the human spirit's resilience and strength during times of war and conflict. The film not only tells a moving story but also provides insight into a crucial period of Cambodian history and draws attention to the importance of preserving and sharing our memories and histories with future generations.

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