
Drama  South Korea 

The bookseller, named Seongjun, is struggling with his own personal demons and has become disillusioned with his life. He takes a trip to Fukuoka to visit his former friend and colleague, who is now a successful businessman. However, their reunion is fraught with tension as they confront unresolved conflicts from their past.

Meanwhile, Seongjun's travel companion, a young woman named Soonhee, seems to exist in a dreamlike state. She wanders through the city, visiting different sites and encountering a variety of people along the way. Her interactions are often disconnected and fleeting, giving the impression that she is not fully present in the moment.

As the story unfolds, Seongjun and Soonhee's paths cross and they begin to form a connection. However, their relationship is overshadowed by the unresolved conflicts between Seongjun and his former friend. Fukuoka explores themes of memory, friendship, and the search for meaning in an ever-changing world.

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