From Today, It's My Turn!!: The Movie follows the story of two high school students, Taketori Tatsuya and Ohki Zenzo, who transfer into the same school on the same day and quickly become friends. However, the school is overrun by delinquents who constantly harass the other students, making it impossible for them to concentrate on their studies.

Tatsuya and Zenzo decide to take matters into their own hands and form a duo to fight off the delinquents. They start by defending weaker students from bullies and soon become renowned for their fighting skills.

As they get deeper into their mission, they discover that the delinquents are being controlled by a group of corrupt teachers who are using them to maintain control over the school. With their newfound popularity, Tatsuya and Zenzo lead a rebellion against the teachers to reclaim their school and restore order.

The movie is set in the 1980s in Japan and captures the spirit of the era with its classic school anime themes. The action sequences are fast-paced and exciting, showcasing the duo's fighting prowess and their unwavering determination to protect their fellow students.

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