From Time to Time is a British fantasy drama film released in 2009, directed by Julian Fellowes. The film is based on the children's novel "The Children of Green Knowe" by Lucy M. Boston. The story follows the adventures of 13-year-old Tolly Oldknow (Alex Etel), who is sent to stay with his grandmother (Maggie Smith) at her ancestral home, Green Knowe, during World War II.

At Green Knowe, Tolly discovers a family secret that has been buried for generations. He learns that his ancestors had been involved in an ancient mystery that involved smuggling, injustice, and unrequited love. Tolly quickly discovers that he has a special gift that allows him to travel back to the 18th century and witness the events for himself.

As Tolly travels back in time, he discovers that he is not alone. He meets a young girl, Susan (Eliza Bennett), who is also able to see him. Together they uncover the mysterious events that took place in the past. However, as Tolly delves deeper into the past, he discovers that there are dark forces at work that threaten his very existence.

The film features an all-star cast including Maggie Smith, Timothy Spall, Pauline Collins, Hugh Bonneville, Carice Van Houten, and Dominic West. Overall, From Time to Time is a beautifully shot and enchanting film that is perfect for the entire family.

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