Fried Barry is a 2020 sci-fi/horror film directed by Ryan Kruger. The film begins with the introduction of Barry (Gary Green), a drug addict and abusive husband to his wife, Suzy (Chanelle de Jager). After one of his benders, Barry is abducted by an alien race, and his body is taken over by a visitor from another planet. The alien, curious about human life, decides to experience the world through Barry's body, and what follows is a bizarre and surreal journey through the streets of Cape Town.

With Barry's body under its control, the alien does everything possible to explore the city and its inhabitants. From strip clubs to drug dens, the alien engages in all kinds of illegal and immoral activities, encountering a diverse range of characters, including drug dealers, prostitutes, junkies, and psychopaths. Along the way, it also discovers the joys of human pleasures, including sex and drugs.

As the story progresses, the alien's reckless behavior and disregard for human life become increasingly violent and dangerous. It becomes apparent that the alien's presence inside Barry's body is causing chaos and destruction wherever it goes. The police, as well as Suzy, are on the trail of Barry, but they have no clue what or who they are dealing with.

Fried Barry is a surreal and visually stunning film that plays out like a fever dream. It's highly stylized, with vibrant colors and pulsating electronic music. The film is a showcase for the acting talents of Gary Green, who plays the titular character. Green delivers a mesmerizing and unforgettable performance, embodying both Barry and the alien with incredible energy and intensity. The film's unique style and strong performances make it a must-watch for fans of genre-bending cinema.

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