Free Birds is a 2013 American animated comedy film that follows Reggie, a free-range turkey living on a farm, and Jake, a turkey from the "Turkey Freedom Front" who wants to save all turkeys from becoming Thanksgiving dinner. Jake convinces Reggie to join him on a time travel adventure using a government time machine, S.T.E.V.E., to travel back to the first Thanksgiving and prevent turkeys from becoming a traditional holiday dish.

Upon arriving in the past, Jake and Reggie meet a friendly local turkey tribe led by a turkey named Chief Broadbeak. The turkeys initially reject Jake's idea to rescue all turkeys from future Thanksgiving dinners, but eventually agree to help Jake and Reggie. Together, they plan to steal the settlers' weapons and take them away from their fort, while also introducing healthier food options such as pizza to the settlers.

However, things get complicated when Reggie falls in love with a turkey named Jenny and becomes torn between his loyalty to the flock and his desire for a peaceful life on the farm with Jenny. Meanwhile, Jake's past catches up with him as the Turkey Freedom Front tracks him down, complicating their mission and putting all of the turkeys in danger.

As Thanksgiving approaches, Jake and Reggie, along with their flock, must work together to successfully change history and save all turkeys from becoming holiday dinners. The film features the voices of Owen Wilson as Reggie, Woody Harrelson as Jake, and Amy Poehler as Jenny.

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