Frankenweenie is a stop-motion animated film directed by Tim Burton and released in 2012. The film is a remake of a live-action short film that Burton made in 1984. It tells the story of a young boy named Victor Frankenstein who loves his dog Sparky more than anything else in the world. However, when Sparky is hit by a car and dies, Victor becomes distraught and decides to bring him back to life using electricity and science.

Victor's experiment succeeds, and Sparky is reanimated as a patchwork monster with electricity coursing through his veins. At first, Victor is overjoyed to have his beloved pet back, but it soon becomes clear that Sparky's resurrection has unintended consequences. As Sparky roams the streets of their town, he is mistaken for a terrifying monster and quickly becomes the target of frightened adults who want to destroy him.

Despite his own fear, Victor remains loyal to Sparky and sets out to prove to his neighbors that the dog is still the same loving and loyal pet he has always been. With the help of his friends, Victor tries to keep Sparky hidden from the townspeople while also finding a way to restore his original form. In the end, Victor and Sparky are reunited, and the townspeople learn to see the good in Sparky's heart.

The film pays tribute to classic horror movies like Frankenstein and Dracula while also exploring themes of love, loss, and the power of science. It features the voice talents of Winona Ryder, Martin Short, Catherine O'Hara, and Charlie Tahan.

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