Frailty is a psychological thriller directed by Bill Paxton, who also stars in the film as the father, known only as Dad. The story is told through the perspective of Dad's son, Fenton, played by Matthew McConaughey, who appears at the FBI office, claiming to have vital information about the "God's Hand" serial killer case.

Fenton tells Agent Wesley Doyle, played by Powers Boothe, that his father was convinced that he had received a message from God, telling him that he and his two sons had been chosen to eliminate the demons that walk among us. Dad believed that he had been given a divine list of demons that he had to kill using an ax, and Young Fenton and his brother Adam were coerced into aiding him.

As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that Fenton has struggled with the trauma of his upbringing, and he is riddled with guilt for the actions that took place. Fenton shares how he and Adam carried out their father's plan and how they killed and buried the "demons."

Frailty combines religious fanaticism and horror to create a tale of terror that keeps the audience on the edge of their seat. The story explores themes of faith, the act of killing, and how far one can be pushed by their beliefs. The film's standout performances, coupled with the excellent direction, make for an engaging and enthralling viewing experience.

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