Four Weddings and a Funeral is a romantic comedy directed by Mike Newell and released in 1994. The film follows Charles (Hugh Grant), a charming but commitment-phobic man, and his group of quirky friends in London. The story begins with Charles attending the first of four weddings of his friends and former girlfriends. He meets an American woman named Carrie (Andie MacDowell) at one of the weddings and they hit it off, but she is already in a relationship.

Throughout the film, Charles and Carrie run into each other at each of the weddings and they start to develop a connection. They spend time together and talk about their fears of commitment and past relationships. Charles also navigates his complicated feelings for Fiona (Kristin Scott Thomas), a close friend who is secretly in love with him.

The film takes a poignant turn when one of the characters unexpectedly dies, and the friends come together to mourn and reflect on life. Eventually, Charles and Carrie confess their love for each other and decide to be together.

The film was a critical and commercial success, earning over $245 million at the box office and receiving numerous award nominations including an Academy Award for Best Picture. It is considered a classic romantic comedy and is often cited as a defining film of the genre.

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