Found Wandering Lost is a thrilling action-packed movie that follows the story of a young and ambitious man named Trent who puts his girlfriend Allison in danger after getting involved in criminal activities. He is on the run from hitmen Henry and Tim, who are after him for a reason unknown to him.

Trent takes to the backroads, hoping to avoid capture and find a way out of his troubles. In the process, he meets Ben, a nomadic drifter, and his wife Michelle, who have made the empty rolling plains of the Flint Hills their home.

As Trent tries to avoid getting caught, he finds himself entangled in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse with the hitmen, as well as the drifter and his wife. The movie unfolds with intense action scenes and unpredictable twists, and the underlying message of the movie is about the price we pay for our ambitions and the importance of finding a home and a sense of belonging.

The characters are well-developed and give depth to the story. Kyle Dyck's portrayal of Trent is both charismatic and flawed, making him an unpredictable and engaging lead. Jennifer Seward's Allison brings another layer of humanity to the story and is a perfect match for Trent's determination.

Brian Paulette and Davis DeRock play the hitmen Henry and Tim with great skill, creating an ominous and threatening atmosphere that adds to the tension of the movie. Finally, Jeffrey Staab and Christie Courville's portrayal of the nomadic couple Ben and Michelle gives the film a sense of realism and authenticity, making it an immersive and memorable experience.

Overall, Found Wandering Lost is an engaging and thrilling movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The story is well-crafted, and the cinematography captures the beauty of the Flint Hills, creating a mesmerizing and immersive experience for the audience.

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