The movie Forgive Us Our Debts follows the story of a man named Guido, who is struggling to make ends meet after losing his job. Guido is drowning in debt and is being threatened by his creditors. In a desperate attempt to get out of his financial troubles, Guido agrees to work for a debt collector who promises to help him pay off his debts.

However, Guido soon realizes that he has made a deal with the devil. Working for the ruthless debt collector comes with unexpected costs, and Guido finds himself getting sucked deeper into the dark world of debt collection.

As Guido becomes more involved in the shady business of debt collection, he encounters other individuals who are also struggling with debt. He begins to question the morality of his actions and realizes that he has become part of a system that preys on the vulnerable and desperate.

Guido’s journey to redemption forms the basis of the movie as he fights to break free from the debt collector’s grip and start afresh. With a poignant message about the nature of debt and the financial struggles faced by many individuals, the movie serves as a cautionary tale about the true cost of getting in over one’s head.

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