Forced Out

Documentary  United Kingdom 

Forced Out is a powerful documentary that sheds light on the experiences of LGBTQ+ service people who faced discrimination and persecution while serving in the UK Armed Forces. The film follows the personal journeys of those who were discharged from the military simply for being who they are, and the impact that this had on their lives.

Through a series of emotional interviews and real-life footage, Forced Out explores the struggles that these individuals faced - from being denied promotions and deployments, to being subjected to harassment and bullying by fellow soldiers and superiors. The film also delves into the policy and history behind the ban on "homosexuals" in the military, tracing its origins back to the 17th century and exploring its lasting effects on LGBTQ+ service members and their families.

Throughout the film, viewers are confronted with the harsh realities of discrimination and hate, but also witness the resilience and strength of those who refused to be silenced. Forced Out is a must-see documentary that not only highlights an important chapter of LGBTQ+ history, but also celebrates the bravery and resilience of those who fought for their rights and dignity.

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