Force of Nature is an action thriller film directed by Michael Polish and released in 2020. The movie starts with a gang of robbers consisting of John the leader, Cardillo the former cop now working as a security guard, and their partners who plan a heist of a high-security apartment building in Puerto Rico during a Category 5 hurricane.

As they move into the building, they encounter Dr. Troy, an old man who refuses to leave his apartment despite the worsening storm outside. Meanwhile, the disgraced cop, Cardillo, who has a history of using excessive force, tries to convince everyone in the building to evacuate, but nobody pays attention to him.

As the heist progresses, the robbers discover that there is more to the building's tenants than they initially thought. They come across Officer Lopez, who is investigating the heist and trying to evacuate the building. As tensions rise among the characters, the gang is forced to fight for their lives and complete their mission before the hurricane knocks out all communication and traps them inside the building.

Finally, the movie ends with a twist, and each character's true nature and motive are exposed. Force of Nature is a thrilling action movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat as the characters fight to survive the powerful forces of nature and human greed.

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