Forbidden Zone is a 1980 musical comedy fantasy film directed by Richard Elfman. The film's plot is centered around the Hercules family, who move into a run-down, haunted house in Venice Beach, California. The house has a mysterious door in the basement that leads to the Sixth Dimension, a strange and surreal realm where anything is possible.

Frenchy, a young girl who is dating the Hercules' son, Flash, slips through the door and is taken prisoner by the eccentric ruler of the Sixth Dimension, King Fausto. Fausto, who is obsessed with Earth women, falls in love with Frenchy and decides to keep her as his queen. The jealous Queen Doris takes Frenchy prisoner and forces her to perform a burlesque dance for the King.

Meanwhile, the Hercules family and their friend Squeezit Henderson embark on a dangerous mission to rescue Frenchy and return her to the real world. Along the way, they encounter a variety of bizarre and colorful characters, including winged demons, tap-dancing frogs, and a mad scientist who creates a giant monster.

The film is known for its surreal and bizarre imagery, as well as its eclectic soundtrack, which features music by the band Oingo Boingo, who also appear in the film. Despite receiving mixed reviews upon its release, Forbidden Zone has since gained a cult following and is considered a cult classic of the 1980s.

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