Watch Forbidden Dream Movie without buffering

The Royal Inventor: Secrets Revealed.

History  South Korea 

Forbidden Dream is a Korean historical drama movie that shares the story of two legendary figures from Korean history - King Sejong and Jang Yeong-sil. The film is directed by Hur Jin-ho and stars Choi Min-sik as King Sejong and Han Suk-kyu as Jang Yeong-sil.

The story is set in the 15th century when Korea was ruled by the Joseon Dynasty. King Sejong, who was a wise and visionary ruler, had a dream to advance his country's technology and science. However, he faced strong opposition from the conservative aristocracy.

To fulfill his dream, King Sejong needed a brilliant mind who could help him invent new technologies and improve the lives of his people. That's when he met Jang Yeong-sil, a gifted inventor and scientist who was known for his expertise in astronomy and mechanics.

Although Jang Yeong-sil was a commoner and not highly regarded in the royal court, King Sejong saw his potential and offered him a position in the royal palace. Together, they worked tirelessly to develop new technologies and inventions that would benefit their country.

However, their partnership was not without challenges. King Sejong's conservative advisors were threatened by Jang Yeong-sil's influence, and they did all they could to undermine him. Despite the challenges, King Sejong and Jang Yeong-sil continued to work together, and their efforts resulted in many groundbreaking inventions, including the world's first rain gauge and Korea's first astronomical clock.

The movie provides a fascinating insight into the lives of two exceptional men who defied social expectations and worked together to bring progress and innovation to their country. The actors deliver outstanding performances, capturing the passion and dedication of their characters and bringing history to life. Overall, Forbidden Dream is a must-watch film for anyone interested in Korean history or historical dramas in general.


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