In For Your Eyes Only, James Bond is tasked with finding a vital piece of technology that has been lost at sea. A British spy ship has been sunk and on board was a device that is capable of encrypting sensitive information. This encryption device contains the launching instructions for Britain's nuclear submarines. If this device falls into the wrong hands, the enemy Soviets could use the information to launch an attack on Britain.

Bond is sent to locate the device before the Soviets can get to it. He is aided by Melina Havelock, the daughter of the ship's murdered marine archeologist who discovered the encryption device. Together, they embark on a dangerous journey that takes them from the snowy peaks of Greece to the depths of the ocean.

As they get closer to the device, Bond faces off against the ruthless villain Kristatos, who is also searching for the encryption device. Along the way, Bond encounters dangerous obstacles, including underwater mines and vicious sharks. But with his iconic wit and gadgets, he is always able to stay one step ahead of the enemy.

In the end, Bond succeeds in finding the lost encryption device and preventing the Soviets from accessing the launching instructions. He also manages to defeat Kristatos and his henchman, saving the world from a potential nuclear attack.

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