For the Boys is a 1991 American comedy-drama film directed by Mark Rydell and written by Marshall Brickman and Neal Jimenez. The film follows the story of Eddie Sparks (played by James Caan), a US entertainer who forms a perfect team with Dixie Leonard (played by Bette Midler), a singer and dancer, as they tour from North Africa to the Pacific to act for the soldiers during World War II. The film spans over several decades, depicting their journey from the 1940s to the 1980s.

In the beginning, the duo performs shows for the soldiers and entertains them with their singing, dancing, and comedy antics. Despite their differences, Eddie and Dixie become close friends, and their partnership becomes a huge success. However, the war ends, and Eddie is unable to continue the tour, but Dixie decides to carry on their work and performs shows for the troops in different parts of the world.

As time progresses, Dixie becomes famous and successful in her own right, but Eddie's career takes a downturn. He seeks help from Dixie, but their relationship takes a bitter turn when Dixie's husband, Art Silver (played by George Segal), a writer, becomes involved in McCarthy's communist witch-hunt. Eddie fires Art from his team, and Dixie turns away from Eddie, leading to a rift in their relationship.

The film then fast forwards to the 1980s, where Dixie is honored with a tribute for her work over the years. Eddie attends the ceremony to reconcile with Dixie, and they eventually perform together, reigniting their partnership and friendship.

For the Boys was well received by audiences and critics alike, and both Midler and Caan received praise for their performances. The film also won an Academy Award for Best Makeup. Overall, it is a heartwarming story of friendship, patriotism, and the power of entertainment in lifting the spirits of soldiers during times of war.

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