For the Birds is a Pixar animated short film that follows a flock of small birds who are sitting and perched on a telephone wire. The birds are all different colors and sizes, but they are happy sitting together until a larger, awkward-looking bird arrives and tries to join them on the wire. The small birds start to make fun of the bigger bird, squawking and chirping at him.

Despite the bigger bird's attempts to fit in, the small birds continue to mock and exclude him. However, after a little while, the bigger bird's weight causes all the birds on the wire to lose their balance and they end up crashing to the ground. The small birds quickly fly away and leave the bigger bird behind.

As the bigger bird sits on the ground alone and ostracized, a gust of wind carries him into the sky and he flies away. The small birds are left to look embarrassed while the bigger bird soars off into the distance. The film ends with a shot of the small birds on the wire looking down at the ground where the bigger bird once was, feeling ashamed of their behavior.

The film is known for its humorous yet poignant exploration of cliques and exclusion, reminding viewers of the importance of acceptance and kindness. It was released in 2000 and won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film.

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