The movie Following is a neo-noir psychological thriller directed by Christopher Nolan in 1998. The movie follows the story of the protagonist, who is a young, struggling writer in London, facing writer's block and financial distress.

Desperate for inspiration, the writer begins to follow people randomly on the streets of London, observing their daily lives and routines. He creates a fictional world for each person he follows, and this becomes a source of inspiration for his writing. However, his obsession with following strangers becomes dangerously addictive.

One day, he follows a well-dressed man, who catches him in the act. The man, named Cobb, is a burglar who takes a liking to the writer's peculiar behavior and offers him a glimpse into his world of burglarizing apartments. This leads the writer to a series of criminal activities, as he becomes more and more entangled with Cobb and his criminal gang.

As the story unfolds, the writer becomes increasingly paranoid and confused about the line between reality and fiction. The movie is told in a nonlinear narrative, as the writer's past and present intersect, revealing the events that led him to his current state.

The movie explores themes of identity, obsession, and the consequences of our actions. It features a stunning debut performance by Jeremy Theobald as the writer and a brilliant turn by Alex Haw as the mysterious and seductive Cobb.

Overall, Following is a gripping, atmospheric and intense thriller that showcases Christopher Nolan's early talent as a storyteller and filmmaker.

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