Follow Me to Daisy Hills is a heartwarming romantic comedy that follows the story of Jo and Blake as they try to save her family's general store from shutting down. Jo is a successful businesswoman living in the city, but she returns to her hometown of Daisy Hills after realizing that her father's general store is struggling to make ends meet. Upon her arrival, she is shocked to discover that her ex-boyfriend Blake is back in Daisy Hills, having left his big corporate job in New York City to pursue a simpler life in the country.

Duke, Jo's father, suggests that Blake could help turn the store's fortunes around with his business expertise. Jo is initially hesitant to work with Blake, given their past relationship, but eventually agrees to work together for the sake of the family business.

As they work together to revamp the general store, Jo and Blake begin to reconnect and rediscover their feelings for each other. However, Jo is torn between her love for Blake and her career aspirations in the city. Meanwhile, Blake must decide whether to stay in Daisy Hills or return to his old life in New York.

Follow Me to Daisy Hills is a charming and lighthearted movie that explores the themes of family, love, and the importance of following your heart. With a talented cast and picturesque countryside setting, this feel-good film is sure to delight audiences of all ages.

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