Amy's mother dies in a car accident, leaving her unsure of what to do with her life. Her father, Thomas, who lives in Canada, sends for her to come and live with him. However, Amy is not thrilled about the idea, as she barely knows her father and she is leaving behind her home, friends, and school.

When Amy arrives in Canada, she quickly realizes that her father is a bit strange. He lives in an old airplane hangar and spends his days building various inventions. Amy struggles to fit in with her new surroundings and wishes she could go back to her old life.

One day, while exploring the nearby woods, Amy discovers a nest of abandoned goose eggs. Without thinking, she takes the eggs back to her father's hangar and tries to hatch them with the help of her dad's inventions. Eventually, the eggs hatch, and the baby goslings imprint on Amy, believing her to be their mother.

Amy becomes "Mama Goose" and spends her days taking care of the goslings. However, as Winter approaches, Amy realizes that the geese need to migrate South to survive. With the help of her dad, Amy creates a flying machine, and they set out on a journey to lead the geese to their winter home. Along the way, they face many challenges, including harsh weather conditions and run-ins with hunters.

When they finally arrive at their destination, Amy and her dad are happy to see that the geese have found a new home. Amy is also proud of herself for taking care of the geese and bonding with her dad along the way. In the end, Amy learns to appreciate her new life in Canada and decides to stay with her father.

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