Flashpoint is a captivating drama thriller starring Kris Kristofferson and Treat Williams. The movie begins in the vast Texas desert where two border guards, Bobby and Ernie find a 20-year-old jeep buried in the sand. But, they quickly realize that there is something more than just a hidden vehicle beneath the earth.

As they start investigating, they come across a skeleton, a scoped rifle, and a large box filled with $800,000 in cash. Instantly, their eyes light up with greed, and they decide to keep the money. However, they quietly start to check up on the information they have found, which ultimately leads them to a much bigger and darker conspiracy.

Bobby and Ernie learn that the jeep they have found was part of a government project, and the money in the box was meant to fund covert operations. When the Feds catch up to them and seize the money, they start to realize the implications of their decision.

As the plot thickens, the two guards soon find themselves in grave danger, as the powerful and corrupt Feds will stop at nothing to cover up the jeep’s secrets, including eliminating anyone who may get in their way.

In addition to the incredibly intense storyline, Flashpoint is a visually stunning movie, thanks to the beautiful Texas desert landscape. The movie also features an exceptional score by legendary composer Tangerine Dream.

Overall, Flashpoint is an outstanding movie that delivers an unpredictable plot, great acting, and nail-biting suspense, making it a must-watch for any fan of the thriller genre.

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