The main character of the movie is Alex Owens, played by Jennifer Beals. She works as a welder during the day and at night, she dances at a local club where she is known for her incredible moves. Despite her success as a dancer, Alex is determined to pursue her dream of attending a prestigious dance school and becoming a professional ballerina.

Throughout the film, Alex faces various challenges that make her question whether pursuing her dreams is worth the risk. She falls in love with her boss, a wealthy businessman named Nick, but struggles to balance their relationship with her own goals. Additionally, she faces competition from other dancers who are vying for a spot in the dance school.

Despite these obstacles, Alex continues to work hard and train rigorously in preparation for her audition. In one of the most iconic scenes from the movie, Alex performs a dance routine to the song "Maniac" in a warehouse filled with water.

Ultimately, Alex's hard work pays off and she is accepted into the dance school. The movie ends with Alex performing a ballet routine on stage, achieving her dream of becoming a professional dancer.

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