Flannery is a feature-length documentary film about the life and work of the acclaimed American author Flannery O'Connor. The documentary is directed by Elizabeth Coffman and Mark Bosco and features numerous interviews with scholars, writers, and others who knew or worked with O'Connor.

The film takes viewers on a journey through the author's childhood in Georgia to her early writing career in New York and her eventual return to rural Georgia where she spent the rest of her life on a farm until her untimely death at the age of 39.

Flannery explores O'Connor's life and the themes that she explored in her fiction, including race, religion, and the human condition. The film also delves into her personal experiences and struggles, including her battle with lupus.

Through interviews with those who knew and admired O'Connor as well as readings of her work by contemporary writers, Flannery offers a nuanced and multidimensional look at this literary icon. The film was released in 2020.

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