Fit to Kill is a 1993 action film directed by Andy Sidaris. The movie follows two buxom and fearless DEA agents Donna and Nicole, played by actresses Dona Speir and Roberta Vasquez, as they embark on a mission to retrieve the stolen Alexa diamond from a secret location in Russia.

Despite their extensive training and preparation for the mission, the agents find themselves in trouble when they cross paths with their arch-nemesis, the notorious Martin Kane, played by actor Geoffrey Moore. With his army of ruthless mercenaries, Kane is determined to stop Donna and Nicole from completing their mission.

As the story unfolds, the two agents race against time to recover the precious diamond before it falls into the wrong hands. Along the way, they must navigate through dangerous territory, fend off countless attacks, and use every ounce of their wit and resourcefulness to outsmart their enemies.

Fit to Kill is a classic example of the "B-Movie" genre, characterized by its over-the-top action sequences, high-speed car chases, and scantily-clad heroines. Despite its relatively low budget and straightforward plot, the movie has become a cult classic for its lively dialogue, colorful characters, and unabashed celebration of adventure and action.

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