Fish Piss follows the protagonist, Barry, as he navigates the seedy underbelly of his town in search of his next fix. After stumbling upon a mysterious underground club, he encounters a group of enigmatic individuals who introduce him to the world of fish piss. Barry quickly becomes addicted to the substance, as it gives him superhuman strength and abilities.

However, the only way to obtain fish piss is by jerking off a massive, grotesque fish monster that resides in the club's basement. As Barry becomes more entangled in the world of fish piss, he must confront his inner demons and make difficult choices that will ultimately determine his fate.

Throughout his journey, Barry encounters a cast of eccentric characters, from a sassy club owner to a group of fish-piss addicts, each with their own motivations and desires. As the story unfolds, Barry grapples with the consequences of his addiction and must decide whether to continue down this dangerous path or find a way to escape its grip.

As the film progresses, it delves into themes of addiction, desperation, and the lengths people will go to in order to fulfill their darkest desires. Fish Piss is a twisted and surreal exploration of the human condition, set against the backdrop of a bizarre and unsettling world.

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