Fish & Men is a documentary film that depicts the state of the modern seafood industry and its impact on local fishing communities and public health. The film argues that the demand for cheap fish has caused widespread overfishing and the depletion of marine ecosystems, resulting in the destruction of local fishing economies and the exploitation of workers.

The film features interviews with experts, fishermen, and activists who describe the challenges facing the industry, such as the dominance of large corporations, inadequate regulations, and the effects of climate change. The documentary shows how these factors have contributed to a system in which the health and safety of consumers, fishermen, and the environment are compromised.

However, despite these challenges, the film also highlights a burgeoning movement towards sustainability and a return to a more traditional way of fishing. The film showcases pioneering fishermen and chefs who are leading a new model of sustainable seafood called 'Catch of the Day,' which emphasizes seasonal, local, and organic fish that are caught using traditional fishing methods.

The film also focuses on two local fishing communities, Mac’s Seafood on Cape Cod and the Gloucester, Massachusetts fishing community, and how they are adapting to the challenges of the modern seafood industry.

Ultimately, Fish & Men reveals that sustainable fishing and conscientious consumption can help reverse the damage caused by the industrialization of the seafood industry, support local economies, and preserve the health of the oceans and the people who depend on them.

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