Finis Terrae Movie streaming site

Seaweed Harvesters on Bannec Islet.

Drama  France 

Finis Terrae is a silent French film directed by Jean Epstein and released in 1929. The film revolves around four fishermen who are stranded on Bannec, a remote islet in Brittany. The islet is barren and they struggle to find water and food. They decide to collect seaweed and burn it to produce ash, which can be sold for a good price.

The film is divided into four parts. The first part, titled "Le départ" or "The Departure," shows the four fishermen leaving their families and hometown and setting sail for Bannec. The second part, "Le séjour" or "The Sojourn," shows their struggle to survive on the barren islet. They collect seaweed during low tide and burn it to produce ash during high tide. The third part, "La recolte" or "The Harvest," shows the success of their undertaking as they amass a large pile of ash.

In the final part, "Le retour" or "The Return," one of the fishermen becomes ill and they realize that they need to leave the islet and seek medical attention. They successfully make it back to the mainland, but one of them is lost at sea during a storm. The remaining three fishermen sell the ash and split the profits before parting ways.

The film is notable for its use of natural landscapes and its focus on the inner thoughts and emotions of the characters. It also features a unique blend of realism and surrealism, with dreamlike sequences and unusual camera angles. The lack of dialogue and music heightens the atmosphere of isolation and loneliness on the islet. Overall, Finis Terrae is a haunting and evocative exploration of human endurance and the power of nature.


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