Finch is a heartwarming science-fiction movie that revolves around a robot named Jeff, voiced brilliantly by Caleb Landry Jones. The story is set in a post-apocalyptic Earth where most of humankind has been wiped out due to a solar storm, making the planet uninhabitable for living creatures.

Tom Hanks plays the role of Finch, a former scientist who lives alone with his pet dog, Goodyear, in an underground bunker. He is suffering from a terminal disease that has left him with just a few months to live. Before he dies, he wants to ensure that Goodyear is taken care of, and nobody else can do it better than his trusted robot, Jeff.

The movie shows the unique bond that develops between Finch, Jeff, and Goodyear. Jeff, who has been programmed to protect Goodyear at all costs, slowly starts to understand and learn about human emotions and sentiments. As they journey across the country to find a place for Goodyear to live, Jeff's interactions with other humans teach him about love, friendships, and the true meaning of humanity.

Finch is a beautifully crafted movie that manages to instill a sense of warmth, love, and hope in the viewer's heart. The performances of Tom Hanks and Caleb Landry Jones are impeccable, and the special effects used to depict post-apocalyptic Earth are impressive. The movie is a must-watch for anyone looking for a heartwarming story about the bond between man, machine, and animal.

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