Final Voyage is a science fiction film released in 1999. The story follows two men named Captain Robert Everton (Dylan Walsh) and scientist Clay Jarrett (J.E. Freeman) who set off in search of a new habitable planet for the remaining survivors of an apocalypse that has struck Earth. The two men are on board an old, small spaceship called the Starlight with limited resources, and they embark on a treacherous journey, fraught with danger, as they travel through space in search of a new home.

Captain Everton is a brave and determined man who has dreamt of space travel his entire life. He is willing to risk everything, including his own life, to save the people left on Earth, while Clay Jarrett is a brilliant scientist who assisted in designing the Starlight, but is somewhat cynical and pessimistic about their chances of finding a new planet.

On their journey, the two men encounter numerous obstacles, including technical malfunctions on the ship, dangerous asteroid fields, and a hostile alien race. They also face personal conflicts and tensions as their conflicting personalities clash, making their mission increasingly difficult.

As they near their goal, they discover a planet that could be their new home. However, they soon discover that the planet is not what it seems, and they must confront a deadly alien race to ensure the survival of the human race.

Overall, Final Voyage is an action-packed and thrilling science fiction film that explores the human spirit and the lengths that people will go to survive and start anew.

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