The movie Final Justice was released in 1985 and was directed by Greydon Clark. It is a thriller with elements of revenge and legal drama. Merle Hammond (Michael McKean) is an unscrupulous attorney who represents a killer in a high-profile murder case. He uses corrupt tactics to convince the jury to acquit his client, despite overwhelming evidence of his guilt.

Gwen (Annette O'Toole), the murdered victim's sister, is outraged by the verdict and is determined to get revenge on the attorney. She kidnaps him and takes him to a remote cabin in the woods, where she plans to make him confess to his unethical behavior. However, things don't go as planned, and Hammond manages to escape.

He then goes to the authorities and puts Gwen on trial for his kidnapping. Gwen is shocked and dismayed by the turn of events, and she must fight to prove her innocence and expose Hammond's corrupt ways.

The movie is filled with suspenseful scenes and twists and turns that keep the audience on the edge of their seats. McKean delivers a strong performance as the sleazy attorney, while O'Toole shines as the determined and resourceful Gwen.

Overall, Final Justice is a thrilling and entertaining movie that explores the themes of justice, revenge, and corruption in the legal system.

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