In the movie Final Days of Planet Earth, the archaeologist, named Lloyd Walker, becomes suspicious of the sudden increase in disappearances around the world. He decides to investigate and discovers a sinister organization called the Homeland Security Agency that claims to be dealing with national security threats.

However, he soon learns that these supposed government officials are actually aliens disguised as humans who are harvesting human bodies for their own purposes. They plan to take over the earth by replacing key figures and government officials with their own kind.

Lloyd teams up with a small group of humans who have also discovered the truth about the aliens and together they attempt to stop the invasion. They must find a way to expose the aliens' true identities and save humanity from their deadly plans.

Throughout the movie, Lloyd and his team encounter numerous obstacles, including the aliens' advanced technology and their ability to shape-shift into human form. The stakes get higher as the aliens become more aggressive in their attempts to take over the earth.

In the end, Lloyd and his team are able to expose the aliens and thwart their plans for world domination. However, the movie ends on a somber note as the characters realize that there may be other alien threats out there, and the fight to protect the earth may never truly be over.

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