The movie follows the story of a struggling B-movie filmmaker named Max who is desperate to get one of his films shown at the Cannes Film Festival. He finally manages to convince the festival organizers to show his latest film, a cheesy horror flick called "Fear City".

However, things take a strange turn when the projectionist of the festival is mysteriously killed before every screening of "Fear City". The killings, which are carried out with a hammer and sickle, are similar to the deaths depicted in the movie.

As the body count rises, Max becomes the prime suspect in the murders. He is being pursued by a bumbling detective and is also targeted by an unknown assailant who seems to be determined to stop him from showing his film.

With his reputation and career on the line, Max must solve the mystery behind the murders and clear his name before it's too late. Along the way, he faces various challenges and encounters a colorful cast of characters, including a seductive journalist, a crazed fan, and a group of Russian mafia agents.

In the end, Max manages to uncover the identity of the killer and reveals the shocking truth behind the murders. The film ends with a successful screening of "Fear City" and Max finally achieving his dream of being recognized as a legitimate filmmaker.

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