F*ckload of Scotch Tape

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F*ckload of Scotch Tape, or FLOST for short, is a unique and thrilling film experience that combines the classic elements of film noir with the art of musical theatre. The story revolves around a man named Frank, who is led into a trap and framed for a kidnapping that eventually turns into a murder. However, Frank is not a man to be trifled with - he is tough, smart and knows how to fight back.

As the story unfolds, we see Frank go on a mission of revenge against those who set him up. But this is not your typical revenge story - it is punctuated by original music written by Kevin Quain, which adds an extra layer of emotion and drama to the already intense plot. Each musical number is seamlessly integrated into the action, with the characters singing and fighting as if it were a perfectly natural way to express themselves.

The film is shot in black and white, which gives it a timeless quality that harkens back to the golden age of crime films. The sets and costumes are all meticulously designed, with careful attention paid to every detail. The result is a visually stunning film that is both thrilling and beautiful to watch.

FLOST is a true passion project, created by a team of filmmakers who love both crime dramas and musical theatre. It is an ambitious and daring film that pushes the boundaries of what is possible in cinema. With its catchy music, breathtaking fight scenes, and engrossing plot, FLOST is a film that will leave audiences cheering for more.

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