Faults is a psychological thriller movie released in 2014, directed by Riley Stearns. The story revolves around Claire, a young woman who falls prey to a cult called Faults. She is brainwashed by the cult, and her parents are desperate to get her out of it. They seek the help of Ansel Roth, a cult deprogrammer who has fallen from grace after a failed mission in the past.

Ansel agrees to help Claire's parents, but he is a broken man and in debt. He takes up the offer hoping to restore his reputation and economic stability. He kidnaps Claire and takes her to a hotel room, where he plans to deprogram her.

As Ansel tries to deprogram Claire, he realizes that the cult's hold on her is much stronger than he anticipated. The cult's leader, who calls himself "The Prophet," is also determined to keep Claire from leaving the cult. Ansel's desperate attempts bring out the darkest parts of his personality, and Claire's state of mind becomes even more fragile.

The movie is a tense and atmospheric portrayal of cult behavior and mind control. The performances of the lead actors, Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Claire and Leland Orser as Ansel, are intense and convincing. The movie keeps the audience guessing until the very end, with twists and turns that keep the mind intrigued. The movie's theme deals with the fragile nature of human consciousness, and the lengths people go to restore their sanity.

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