The arrival of their father, Jack, and his new girlfriend, Pauline, throws Caroline and her sisters, Beth and Sara, into a tailspin. Caroline is determined to keep up appearances and maintain control over the situation, but tensions rise as old wounds are reopened and long-held resentments come to the surface.

As the family struggles to come to terms with their father's return, Caroline uncovers a shocking secret that Jack has been hiding for years. This revelation threatens to tear the family apart once and for all.

Amidst the chaos and drama, the magic of Christmas begins to work its charm on the family. As they navigate through the misunderstandings and conflicts, they come to realize that the true meaning of Christmas is forgiveness, reconciliation, and the unconditional love of family.

In the end, Caroline and her sisters must make a choice - hold onto their anger and bitterness, or let go of the past and embrace the joy and connection that comes with being together as a family once again. Father Christmas Is Back is a heartwarming tale of redemption, forgiveness, and the power of love to heal old wounds and bring a family back together.

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