Fatal Beauty is a 1987 American action-comedy film directed by Tom Holland and starring Whoopi Goldberg and Sam Elliott. Goldberg plays Rita Rizzoli, a tough police detective in Los Angeles who goes on a mission to stop a drug kingpin, Conrad Kroll (played by Harris Yulin), who is responsible for a series of drug-related deaths in the city.

Rizzoli is initially assigned to work with detective Carl Jimenez (played by Ruben Blades), but when he is killed during a shootout with Kroll's men, she teams up with con man Mike Marshak (played by Elliott) to bring Kroll down. Along the way, they face numerous obstacles, including corrupt police officers and Kroll's heavily armed henchmen.

The film features a number of action-packed sequences, including car chases, shootouts, and hand-to-hand combat. Goldberg's character is portrayed as a strong, capable woman who is not afraid to get her hands dirty to get the job done.

Despite the film's critical reception, it was a moderate box office success, grossing over $12 million domestically. It has since become a cult classic and is notable for featuring a rare leading role for Goldberg in an action film.

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